Saturday, 2 March 2013

Social Media to find employees'

Social Media pages contain almost everything someone needs to know about a person. It has your previous work history, past and current education, current location and home town plus more. This gives employers the perfect opportunity to use social media as a hiring tool. While I believe this makes it very simple for the employer, I feel it is dangerous for a possible candidate. While personal life and business should be separated  employers are constantly using this as a tool to measure your personality. "Once its on Facebook it is never really gone" this quote is detrimental to a possible candidate. While most candidates probably used Facebook to post funny photos or in some case inappropriate photos of partying in their high school or college years, employers use this to evaluates your character.  This however is illegal because it is classified as discrimination. But how easily is this proved? the likely-hood of a candidate being able to prove discrimination in a possible job offering is slim to none, mainly because its costly and time-consuming to prove. So before you post photos that you no will get you lots of likes on Facebook or re tweets on Twitter, think about your future. If the photo or post could never really be erased would you still post it ? If an employer finds it, you may be out of the job.

Do you think this is an effective method of hiring new employees?

Here is a photo I found that basically sums up what I was suggesting about social media; the job search and how many employers actually use it. While the other post was my opinion these are now the statistics.

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